Mafube violates the National Water Act by polluting the Vaal River

Issued by Dr Igor Scheurkogel – DA Member of the NCOP and Constituency Head: Metsimaholo
07 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Attached are English and Afrikaans soundbites by Dr Igor Scheurkogel MP and Sesotho by Cllr Fako Tsotetsi.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is deeply concerned about Mafube Local Municipality’s ongoing violation of the National Water Act of 1998, specifically Section 19 (1) & (2), which pertains to the prevention and remedying of pollution. The municipality’s failure to maintain the Villiers and Qalabotjha Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) has led to severe pollution of the Vaal River. Please see the pictures here, here, here and here.

During an oversight visit on 2 September, conducted alongside Cllr. Fako Tsotetsi, it was revealed that both WWTWs are in a state of total disrepair. Untreated raw sewage flows directly into the Vaal River, a critical water source for the Free State, North West, and Northern Cape. This environmental disaster is not only a public health hazard but also threatens the local economy. The Vaal River Resort, located near the WWTW, is scheduled to host a major bikers’ rally in November. The resort’s ability to attract tourism and sustain the local economy is severely undermined by the river’s pollution.

The ripple effect of these dysfunctional treatment plants is being felt in the town of Villiers, where sewage overflows into residential yards, particularly those located along the riverbanks. This further exacerbates the pollution of one of South Africa’s key water sources, endangering both the environment and the livelihoods of communities that depend on the Vaal River.

The DA will urgently write to the Green Scorpions and the Minister of Environmental Affairs, calling for immediate intervention to halt the pollution of the Vaal River. It is essential that the Mafube Local Municipality is held accountable for its negligence, and steps are taken to protect both the communities and the environment that rely on this vital water resource.