DA condemns ANC’s desperate tactics in Moqhaka

Issued by David Nzunga – DA Caucus Chair Moqhaka Local Municipality
28 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached the Sesotho soundbite by Cllr David Nzunga and English by Cllr Chris Dalton.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is not surprised by the conduct of the ANC in the Moqhaka Local Municipality. This follows the abrupt cancellation of the council meeting scheduled to continue on 26 August 2024. On Friday, 23 August 2024, the council Speaker issued a notice retracting the continuation of the meeting, which included, among other items, a motion of no confidence (MoNC) against the Speaker, Mayor, and Council Whip. This is not the first time the ANC leadership has delayed the inevitable.

This action demonstrates why the Speaker and the Council Whip are facing a MoNC. The Speaker has consistently failed to comply with the rules and orders of the council, while the Council Whip has shown a lack of oversight.

Despite being the largest party in the council, the ANC does not hold an outright majority, with 22 seats, compared to the 22 seats held by the combined opposition. This desperate manoeuvre by the ANC has severely impeded service delivery, further harming the community.

Moreover, the ANC’s failure to remove the troika from office, despite internal divisions caused by the Mayor’s collusion with the Morena Thebe-led Moqhaka Community Forum (MCF), highlights their disregard for the community’s interests. Morena Thebe prioritises his power over the needs of residents, and this collusion has only exacerbated the situation.

We urge the residents of Moqhaka to continue holding the ANC accountable by voting them out in the next local election in 2026, ensuring they are completely removed from power. The DA will escalate this matter to the Provincial Legislature to ensure that the council is held responsible for evading its duties to the community.