DA concerned by increase in serious crimes in the Free State

Issued by Roy Jankielsohn – DA Spokesperson on Community Safety in the Free State Legislature
30 Aug 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Roy Jankielsohn MPL

On average, five people are murdered every two days in the Free State (2,5 per day). This is according to the quarterly crime statistics released by the SAPS for the quarter January 2024 to March 2024. Murders increased by 4,1% from 218 to 227 in the same quarter of 2023.

The crime statistics indicate further that attempted murder has increased by 43,4% from 343 in the same quarter last year to 492 between January and March 2024. This is an average of 5,5 per day between 10 and 11 every two days.

Other crimes with substantial quarter-on-quarter increases are robbery at residential premises and robbery at non-residential premises, with increases of 41,7% and 30,8%, respectively.

The increases in robberies are indicative of a province in dramatic economic decline and a lack of resources in the SAPS to carry out effective visible policing.

The Free State is losing the battle against crime in the province, which is indicative of a criminal justice system in decline. The best deterrent to would-be criminals remains the knowledge that if you commit a crime, you will be detected by the professional police service, convicted by functional courts and punished by an effective correctional service.

The DA is convinced that the private members’ Community Policing Bill tabled in the Free State Legislature will assist in the fight against crime in the province.