DA-led Fezile Dabi District Municipality completes skills audit

Issued by Oupa Matwa – MMC Corporate Support Services - Fezile Dabi District Municipality
23 Jul 2024 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Carina Serfontein and Sesotho by Cllr Oupa Matwa.

The DA-led Fezile Dabi District Municipality had appointed a service provider to conduct a Skills Audit Report, which forms part of the main assignment: Staff Establishment and Conduct Audit in line with Local Municipal Regulation and Guidelines as published in the Government Gazette 45181 of September 2021.

FDDM appointed Sekhunyana Consulting to conduct the skills Audit which had two phases of contact, which were face-to-face and electronic/telephonic Audits.

A skills audit in a local government context is a strategic approach to identify the skills and competencies that employees possess and to highlight any gaps that need to be addressed. It’s a key instrument for mapping the competency profiles of municipalities, which involves:

  • Outlining gaps in individual skills.
  • Compiling strategies and plans for skills development.
  • Improving the overall capacity of municipalities to deliver on their developmental and constitutional mandates.

The Skills Audit key results stem from the data analysis of primary data that was received through completed skills audit forms. The findings are both qualitative and quantitative. These findings have guided the development of the recommendations for the skills audit report. In those findings what is worrying is the number of:

  • Competency Mismatch, most employees occupied positions they are not qualified for.
  • Succession Planning, 35 key positions including General workers are occupied by employees who are over 50 years of age, others are already over 60.
  • Organisational Structure, the organisational Structure that is currently in use is that of 2013.

The process of conducting a skills audit can also help local governments design appropriate capacity-building interventions and establish a skills matrix for the organisation. This ensures that the workforce is well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles and contribute effectively to the municipality’s objectives.

In South Africa, skills audits are particularly important due to the complex interplay of political dynamics, organisational arrangements, and demographic realities that can affect the design and implementation of these audits.

The Skills Audit Report provided the FDDM with the necessary current Skills Information, Skills gaps and priority skills for institutional development that will enable the municipality to realise its legislative mandate, vision, mission and strategic objectives.

The legislated Organisational structure that is related to what is currently required by FDDM will be presented to the council on the first council of the 2024/2025 financial year.