Sewer project in Matjhabeng impeded by political interference

Issued by René Steyn – DA Councillor Matjhabeng Local Municipality
30 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr René Steyn

The recent project to address the sewer backflow issue in Stateway, Welkom CBD, brings hope to Goldfields Mall and nearby businesses. The CBD has struggled due to a collapsed sewer line in the Goldfields Casino parking area, causing severe backflow problems. This project aims to improve sanitary conditions and potentially revitalize local business activities.

On 13 June 2024, Matjhabeng Municipality stakeholders met to discuss the project and introduce the contractor. Initial optimism was soon dampened by the Executive Mayor’s interference, disrupting the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and meddling in the recruitment of local labour and appointment of the Community Liaison Officer (CLO).

On 26 June 2024, CLO interviews were abruptly postponed by the Mayor after unexplained delays, which raised serious concerns about his overreach. His interference delays the project, potentially manipulating the vetting process for political gain, at the expense of local businesses and labour.

The Mayor’s actions hinder job creation and delay the project’s start, eroding trust among stakeholders and the community. The contractor was set to break ground on 1 July 2024 and complete the project within 14 days to minimize disruption.

We have engaged the relevant stakeholders affected by the undue delays and will insist on the progression of the project without improper or political influence. The DA remains committed in its fight for transparent, inclusive, and accountable management, which is the only way the project can move forward successfully, benefiting the Goldfields Mall, surrounding businesses, and the broader community.