Melato elected Mayor of MaP amid integrity concerns

Issued by Moshe Lefuma – DA Chief Whip Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality
21 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Sesotho soundbites by Cllr Moshe Lefuma.

The Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality (MaP) has elected Malekula Melato as the Executive Mayor following the resignation of Masechaba Lakaje on 10 May 2024.

Melato’s past raises serious concerns. The Public Protector found her appointment as Manager: Special Programs in Naledi Local Municipality irregular, citing her misrepresentation of qualifications. Additionally, she violated the Supply Chain policy by irregularly approving deviations and awarding tenders without proper procedures.

It is alarming that someone with such a history is now entrusted to lead MaP. The municipality requires a leader with integrity and a genuine commitment to serving the community, qualities Melato has not demonstrated.

During her inauguration speech, she made sweeping promises about improving service delivery and combating corruption—echoing the empty vows of her predecessors. She pledged significant progress within her first 100 days, starting from May 2024. The DA will hold her accountable to these promises, ensuring that Maluti-A-Phofung sees real improvements, not just rhetoric.

The DA will closely monitor her administration’s actions, continuing our vigilant oversight as we have done with previous mayors. The residents of Maluti-A-Phofung deserve more than empty promises; they deserve a functioning and transparent government. The DA is committed to being the driving force behind this change.