Mangaung Mayoral Imbizo is only an election ploy

Issued by Maryke Davies – DA Councillor Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
22 May 2024 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached the English soundbite by Cllr Maryke Davies and Sesotho by Cllr David Masoeu.

The ANC Executive Mayor, Gregory Nthatisi of Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality has once again squandered municipal finances meant for basic services and job creation for a Mayoral Imbizo in all regions in the Metro. Making empty promises to residents to try and curb the ANC’s decline in support for the upcoming elections.

Across Mangaung, issues ranged from high unemployment, water supply issues, non-functional sewerage works and the eradication of pit latrines, the state of road infrastructure, issuing of title deeds, by-law enforcement, waste collection and the list goes on and on.

Once again promises were made that the municipality will work closely with various stakeholders to ensure residents have access to basic services. These promises have been made since 2011 when Mangaung became a metro and the ANC will continue to make these empty promises just to garner votes for this election.

The ANC-led Metro and specifically the ANC Executive Mayor has no desire to deliver on their promises because instead of hearing the voice of residents and starting to address these issues before the election, the Mayor wants to divert funds to the re-opening of the Bloemfontein Zoo.

Not once during these regional Imbizo engagements were residents concerned with having a Zoo in Mangaung and the millions spent on a Zoo could rather be utilised to address the real concerns of residents. Once again by the adjustment budget, Mangaung will forfeit hundreds of millions in national grants because it cannot deliver basic services like housing, water supply, electricity etc.

The DA has a proven track record of where we govern we deliver quality services over the spectrum of housing, water supply, and infrastructure and we create an environment for jobs. We can bring this change to the residents of Mangaung and the Free State and therefore urge all residents to vote in the 2024 National and Provincial Government elections on 29 May.