DA internationalises the water and sanitation human rights abuses in the Free State

Issued by Roy Jankielsohn – DA Free State Premier Candidate
20 May 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Roy Jankielsohn MPL as well as Sesotho soundbite by Jafta Mokoena MPL 

Article Link: https://researchoutreach.org/articles/political-stagnation-water-fragility-south-africa-free-state/

The DA has taken the fight against continued water and sanitation human rights violations in the Free State to the international stage. The DA Free State’s submission to the South African Human Rights Commission has been summarised into a six page article to be directly distributed to 25 000 international researchers and influencers in 173 countries this week. In addition to the direct outreach, the Outreach Network publications social media average 115 000 engagements and 1,4 million impressions per publication. The article exposes the impact of the water-based fragility on the political, economic, environmental, security and social rights of individuals.

The aim of the international social media campaign is to ensure that the plight of individuals and communities in the Free State in every town who have to endure water shedding for prolonged periods of time and have their health threatened by ongoing sewage pollution are noted by people of influence and researchers across the globe. These human rights abuses are a violation of the constitutionally mandated rights of individuals in South Africa and deserve international attention.

The ANC’s claim of delivering taps and toilets in households and close to informal dwellings rings hollow when taps have no water and sewage systems are dysfunctional allowing raw sewage to flow through yards, down streets and into rivers, dams and streams. In many instances these polluted rivers, dams and streams are the only source of water for humans, animals and agricultural production.

We will expose the ANC government’s hypocrisy in their selective human rights activism abroad, while violating human rights in South Africa which is the result of unabated corruption and  maladministration. The communist-based cadre deployment (democratic centralism) implemented by the ANC-led government across all three spheres of government is a leading cause of this situation.

The DA in the Free State will continue the fight for the respect and protection of human rights of our people in the Free State on a local front while opening open new engagements on an international level.