DA demands answers on stalled Heilbron Bridge Project

Issued by Robert Ferendale – DA Councillor Ngwathe Local Municipality
08 Dec 2023 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Robert Ferendale and Sesotho by Karabo Khakhau MP.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is concerned by the Ngwathe Local Municipality’s failure to finalise the Multi-million Rand Bridge project linking Sandersville and S Section in Heilbron. Please see pictures here, here, here and here.

The Bridge project commenced early last year in Heilbron, with a scheduled completion date of September 2023. Despite numerous articles highlighting our concern about the project in our local newspaper, construction progressed for a mere two months before abruptly halting. Tragically, a 6-year-old girl lost her life after falling into one of the pillar holes during this period. Up to now, work has not recommenced, and inquiries about the project’s completion date, despite prior budget allocations, remain unanswered. With the impending rainy season, it seems unlikely that any progress will occur in the next 4-5 months.

The incomplete bridge poses a serious threat, especially in light of the approaching rainy season, hindering further progress and potentially jeopardising public well-being.

We will address these concerns in the council by demanding answers on the bridge’s completion date. Additionally, we strongly urge the municipality to initiate an investigation into the delayed project, seeking answers on the reasons behind the overdue timeline and the whereabouts of the funds allocated for its completion.