Non-functional fire brigade puts Matjhabeng at risk

Issued by Dr Igor Scheurkogel – DA Caucus Leader Matjhabeng Local Municipality
23 Jun 2023 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Igor Scheurkogel and Sesotho by Karabo Khakhau MP.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is concerned about the state of fire services in Matjhabeng Local Municipality. During an oversight visit to the Welkom Fire Brigade, it became evident that no significant progress has been made since the last oversight in August 2022. With only three semi-functional fire stations serving the entire municipality, including Welkom, Thabong, Riebeeckstad, Kutlwanong, Odendaalsrus, Nyakalong, and Allanridge, the situation is dire.

The Welkom fire station has just one operational fire truck and is often staffed with only two officials on a shift. The telephone lines have been suspended due to non-payment, leaving residents without a means to contact emergency services. The current capacity of the Matjhabeng Fire Department falls significantly below the national standards, with inadequate staffing and limited resources, posing a significant risk to public safety. Please see pictures here, here, here and here.

Moreover, the absence of operational fire hydrants in residential areas further compounds the problem. Firefighters are left to make do with what limited equipment they have, while the Welkom Fire Station lacks essential facilities such as a public reception area and proper security measures. These shortcomings not only compromise the response time to fires but also put the lives and property of residents and businesses in jeopardy.

The DA will submit inquiries to the Matjhabeng Council, demanding answers regarding the substandard state of the fire stations. Additionally, we will request the intervention of the Lejweleputswa District Municipality, as they have the authority, according to the Local Municipality Structures Act 117 Section 84 (j), to coordinate firefighting efforts within the district. The DA remains committed to safeguarding the community’s livelihoods and advocating for the protection of property against potential disasters.