DA urges action on unattended sewage leaks in Mangaung

Issued by Selmé Pretorius – DA Councillor Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
24 May 2023 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Selmé Pretorius and Sesotho by Cllr David Masoeu.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality acknowledges the response from the Human Rights Commission (HRC) regarding our complaint lodged on 23 March 2023 concerning approximately 130 unattended sewage leaks in Mangaung. As an institution established by the Constitution, the HRC possesses the authority to investigate and address human rights violations.

The correspondence received from the HRC reveals that the Mangaung Metro, as the respondent in this case, has failed to take the necessary actions or preventive measures to curb recurring spillages across the Metro. This negligence has resulted in the deterioration of the quality of life for residents in our community.

In light of this, the HRC has decided to consolidate our complaints with other similar grievances against the Metro. We commend the HRC’s decision to convene an inquiry into service delivery in the Province, scheduled for July and August 2023. The Democratic Alliance stands ready to assist the HRC with any information required during this inquiry.

The DA remains dedicated to instigating positive change throughout the country and safeguarding the human rights of our citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution. We strongly urge all residents to register and vote in the upcoming 2024 National and Provincial elections. Together, we can bring about the transformation our community urgently needs.