Matjhabeng unable to repair a leak for 1200 days

Issued by Dr Igor Scheurkogel – DA Councillor Matjhabeng Local Municipality
06 Mar 2023 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Dr Igor Scheurkogel.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Matjhabeng Local Municipality is concerned with the water losses incurred due to the inability of the ANC-led municipality to manage basic human rights.

Since December 2019 a significant water leak has occurred in Odendaalsrus next to the Mimosa Dam. Municipal Managers and the Director of Infrastructure have on multiple occasions been informed to repair the leak. It has directly affected the communities of Odendaalsrus, Riebeeckstad, Hennenman, Phomolong, Ventersburg and Mmamahabane yet no action has been taken.

After more than 1200 days the leak has developed into a ‘wetland’ bigger than the municipal dam next to it. Please see pictures here, here, and here.

The Auditor General indicated on 31 January 2023 that the municipality has incurred water distribution losses of R 323 991 257 which represents 56% of the total, far above the national norm of between 15-30%. The losses are due to metering inefficiencies, increased pipeline infrastructure, burst pipes, leakages, and unmetered connections.

Since December 2022, the residents of Riebeeckstad, Hennenman, Phomolong, Ventersburg, and Mmamahabane have been struggling with water. Riebeeckstad has only had constant water for less than 5 days in the last two months. Due to the municipality’s mismanagement, the pipeline’s intended repair, from Balkfontein, has caused the infringement of human rights for more than 4 years.

The DA will take the matter up with the provincial department of CoGTA with a request for further intervention since the municipality does not seem to have the will to address the problem. The ANC-led municipality has proven that they have no intention to honour the Constitution that says every resident has the right to water.