The MaP road that broke the camel’s back

Issued by Eleanor Quinta – DA Councillor Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality
18 Nov 2022 in Press Statements

The DA is concerned with the inability of the Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality to maintain an ageing infrastructure. The lack of maintenance has caused an immeasurable financial impact on the local economy. The Hardustria road is a clear example in this regard.

Hardustria road is home to approximately 23 businesses. Employing several hundred people from the community. The combination of load shedding, water shortages and crumbling infrastructure has led businesses in the area to fail. With the municipality neglecting their duties it has finally broken the camel’s back for some businesses. The DA is gravely concerned about the future of these businesses in Harrismith, with many having already closed shop and moved on to greener pastures.

Large amounts are paid for rates and taxes, in addition, substantial amounts are paid on backup power and water storage. Now, these businesses are forced to fix their own roads as well. These factors have a negative ripple effect on the Harrismith economy as a whole. The municipality is unable to provide the critical support needed by businesses to survive and serious intervention is needed to salvage the situation.

The DA will be filing questions in the Free State Legislature about the failure of Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality to provide basic services to allow the local economy to survive. We will continue to support the businesses on Hardustria road in any way we can.