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The Democratic Alliance in the Free State welcomes Moferefere Jafta Mokoena as a member of the Free State Provincial Legislature. Jafta, as he is affectionately known, is from Fouriesburg in the Eastern Free State and was sworn into office today at the Fourth Raadsaal.
Jafta will replace Karabo Khakhau, who has been deployed to serve in the DA caucus in Parliament’s National Assembly. We wish her well in her endeavours and thank her for her contributions to the Free State Legislature.
Jafta Mokoena has many years of public representative experience as a councillor in Dihlabeng Municipality. He served as DA Dihlabeng Caucus Leader and Maluti Constituency Chairperson.
We look forward to working with him and we believe that his wealth of knowledge and expertise will greatly contribute to our work in the legislature and the vital task of creating a DA alternative government in the Free State. This continued collaborative work will ensure a better life for all our people in the province.