DA Moqhaka stands against mismanagement

Issued by Chris Dalton – DA Councillor Moqhaka Local Municipality
28 Nov 2023 in Press Statements

Note to editors: Please find attached the English soundbite by Cllr Chris Dalton and Sesotho by Karabo Khakhau MP.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Moqhaka Local Municipality, joined by various opposition parties, has lodged a Motion of No Confidence (MONC) against Executive Mayor Motloheloa Mokatsane.

Mayor Mokatsane, known for his disrespectful conduct and use of offensive language, has reached the end of his tenure. It is disheartening to witness the mayor treating his responsibilities to the community as if they were optional. Leadership demands a commitment that extends beyond personal inclinations.

The mayor has brazenly asserted that the ANC shields him, allowing him unchecked freedom. Contrary to his belief, accountability will be enforced by the DA and the residents. Moqhaka cannot be treated as a personal playground, and racist language directed at residents is intolerable, warranting more than a mere reprimand.

Critical obligations, such as timely budget presentations and fulfilling promises made in the council, remain unmet. The commitment to address the Billion Rand debt owed to Eskom through presented payment plans has consistently failed to materialise.

Furthermore, by holding Mayor Mokatsane accountable, we aim to restore trust in local governance, ensuring timely actions on budgetary matters, debt resolution, and overall commitment to the community’s welfare. This will foster an environment conducive to growth and job creation, positively impacting the lives of Moqhaka residents.

The potential for growth and job creation in Moqhaka is substantial, yet the mayor’s connections shield him from accountability, treating the residents as mere jokes. We affirm that enough is enough. We commit to pursuing the MONC against the Mayor vigorously. We call upon all concerned citizens to support this crucial step towards restoring responsible and respectful governance in Moqhaka.