Mantsopa Municipality must act swiftly in Ladybrand illegal land invasion

Issued by Cllr Tim Mpakathe – DA Councillor Mantsopa Local Municipality
03 Jul 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find attached English and Sesotho soundbites by Cllr Tim Mpakathe

The illegal invasion of land in portion 20 of the farm Dorpgronde, Ladybrand No 451 adjacent the R26 road, where approximately 150 structures have been erected is cause for grave concern. 

On Friday 28 June 2024 during the Special Council meeting, Mayor Mamsie Tsoene reminded the residents of Ladybrand that it is their Constitutional right to have land, but condemned illegal land invasion.

In her attempt to address this urgent matter of illegal occupation of land, the Mayor should not shield her own caucus members who are condoning and perpetuating the illegal invasion of land.

Upon our oversight visit as a caucus, residents alleged that a senior ANC member of Mantsopa council told them to go and erect their corrugated structures at R26 portion also known as “Fethelazeng”.

While we echo the remarks by the Mayor that the illegal invasion of land will not be tolerated, we also remind her of the municipality’s responsibility to ensure access to adequate housing. If the municipality had a sound spatial development framework and adequately aligned implementation plan in place, this crisis could have been avoided.

The DA will be monitoring this situation very closely as an eviction order has been obtained from the court and the Municipality aims to enforce it by deploying the red ants.  The municipality must move with speed to ensure that the development in terms of rezoning in that area happens and the rightful beneficiaries on the municipal data base are allocated accordingly.