Mangaung’s failure to establish ombudsman office ignores residents’ urgent pleas

Issued by Dirk Kotze – DA Councillor Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
28 Jun 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Dirk Kotze

Residents of Mangaung are bracing for tariff increases effective from 1 July. Electricity by 12.5%, water by 9%, and sewerage, refuse, and property taxes by 6%. These hikes come at a time when residents endure ongoing service delivery challenges, maladministration in municipal billing, insufficient oversight of residential land use control, concerns over public safety, and a lack of an independent ombudsman to address their grievances.

The Mangaung Council resolved to establish an independent ombudsman office in May 2018 and reaffirmed this decision in May 2022 following a motion from the Democratic Alliance (DA), and all parties voted unanimously in support of the motion. This independent ombudsman would have had the authority to investigate complaints regarding inadequate or poor service delivery and improper or unfair conduct and could recommend appropriate actions or order remedies for complaints unresolved within 60 days.

Section 95 of The Municipal Systems Act mandates municipalities to establish a sound customer management system that aims to create a positive and reciprocal relationship between persons liable for these payments and the municipality and, where applicable, establish accessible mechanisms for individuals to query and verify their accounts and metered consumption related to rates and taxes. Additionally, municipalities must implement appeal procedures that enable prompt resolution of disputes concerning inaccurate accounts, ensuring affected individuals receive timely redress.

The ruling ANC appears to prioritize other interests over consumer needs, leaving Mangaung ratepayers feeling neglected. As a result, ratepayers are compelled to pursue legal action through their attorneys, which proves costly.

The DA plans to petition the Free State Legislature to inquire why the Mangaung management has not implemented the council’s resolution from May 2022 to establish an ombudsman.

Major metros such as Cape Town, Johannesburg, Midvaal, Ekurhuleni, and eThekweni have successfully established Ombudsman offices. However, in Mangaung, despite numerous disputes being filed with the office of the city manager, Mr. Sello More, residents express more frustration than satisfaction with the lack of resolution from his office.

The DA encourages residents to endorse their initiative by signing a petition. This petition aims to compel the City Manager to appoint an independent ombudsman dedicated to addressing taxpayer grievances.