Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cllr Estelle Pretorius and Sesotho by Jafta Mokoena MPL.
The Tswelopele Local Municipality’s Mayor, Kenalemang Phukuntsi, has been using executive committee (EXCO) meetings to focus on her agenda and perceived accomplishments rather than prioritising effective governance in her municipality.
During EXCO meetings, she propagates falsehoods about herself, the municipality, and the ANC. When confronted, she silences any opposition in the meeting. She verbally abuses and threatens some members of EXCO.
Serious issues affecting residents, such as the misuse of municipal equipment for campaigning in Bultfontein, not following correct procedures and code of conduct in various matters and the intimidation and public shaming of municipal employees, remain unaddressed.
We call on Mayor Phukuntsi to conduct an oversight visit with the Democratic Alliance to witness the municipality’s true state, including leaking water, potholes, and sewage leakages in various areas. A call on the municipality for extra bins to avoid illegal dumping of waste all over the municipality has fallen on deaf ears.
An incapable state has left many South Africans without reliable access to essential government services. Roads are riddled with potholes, queues at Home Affairs are unacceptably long, and public works missing in action to maintain properties such as the SAPS prison in Bultfontein for example, cripples the economy. The deterioration of these services disproportionately affects poorer South Africans, who often cannot afford the high cost of private alternatives.
For over two decades, the DA has warned that cadre deployment would lead to cronyism, corruption, and a captured criminal state. This has now come to pass. Symptoms include corruption, financial mismanagement, inadequate financial controls, insufficient monitoring, poor project management, compliance issues, and unreliable reporting – all contributing to deteriorating basic services.
A priority for a DA government is to establish an effective, professional, and merit-based public service system with a sole focus on delivering quality services to all South Africans.
We are committed to bringing change across the country and therefore urge all residents to vote in the 2024 National and Provincial Government elections on 29 May.